PageMixer demonstration with Struts

Package common

Provides common classes/interfaces for demonstration of PageMixer with Struts.


Interface Summary
CommonConstants Constants for common.
ErrorConstants Constants for error handling.
LogonFormConstants Constants to handle "LogonForm" bean.
RegistrationFormConstants Constants to handle "RegistrationForm" bean.
ServletConstants Constants for Servlet environment.
SubscriptionConstants Constants to handle "Subscription" bean.
SubscriptionFormConstants Constants to handle "SubscriptionForm" bean.
UserConstants Constants to handle "User" bean.

Package common Description

Provides common classes/interfaces for demonstration of PageMixer with Struts.

Whom is this package common for ?

In future, implementations by other frameworks(e.g.: XMLC of Enhydra project) may be included as part of demonstration(, I want so). So, common definitions should be separated from ones implementation by PageMixer framework.

PageMixer demonstration with Struts