MAP | PageMixer Documents > Should you use ? |
This document explains whether you should(or should not) use PageMixer framework.
JSP allows you to change specification of pages dynamically and instantly. For example, you can re-design logon page as one showing list of member for administrator (nobody may not do so change ....) without rebooting of server.
PageMixer framework is not designed for that purpose.
Of course, class reloading of Servlet container may help you to change page specification dynamicaly. But I do not trust it so.
Please examine and evaluate PageMixer framework before your first use in seriouse project.
PageMixer framework has no assurance of applicability to your project. You may give using PageMixer framework up, because of performance (e.g.: it is not faster than JSP), function (e.g.: it is not designed to change page function dynamically), or poritical(e.g.: your project should use JSP for promotion) reason(s)
Yes, you have freedom of worship.
And under some restrictions, I think so too, in fact.
In this case, the cost to merge artifacts of page design and processing may not so much.
You should thank for assignment of good staff(s).
Also in this case, the cost to merge artifacts of page design and processing may not so much.
But "page design" has both "visual"(e.g.: color, font-style) and "usability"(e.g.: location of page element) aspects.
Your client may be interested in "usability" design even though not in "visual" design. And it may increase comlexity of JSP file.
It may not cost so much.
It increases cost much not only to merge artifacts of page design and processing, but also to test them.
One of PageMixer framework goals is increasing testability.
It increases not only cost to merge artifacts of page design and processing, but also neseccary itself to do so.
One of PageMixer framework goals is increasing design separation.
MAP | PageMixer Documents > Should you use ? |