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Overview of migration

This section explains how to migrate from JSP files of struts-mailreader in Struts to Servlet with PageMixer.

Process to migrate

Process to migrate is shwon below.

  1. Create filters to process HTML page
  2. Create HTML file corresponding to JSP file
  3. Configure Servlet corresponding to JSP file
  4. Configure Struts to use Servlet instead of JSP file

Create filters to process HTML page

At first, we create filters to process HTML page, for example:

You may choose to combine filters already defined by PageMixer as one filter for convenience.

Create HTML file corresponding to JSP file

Then, we create HTML file corresponding to JSP file to be replaced.

In this process, tags of TagLib are replaced with normal HTML tags, like as span.

Configure Servlet corresponding to JSP file

Servlet needs mapping configuration in WEB-INF/web.xml to use, though JSP files are available without any configuration.

So, configure Servlet corresponding to JSP file.

Configure Struts to use Servlet instead of JSP file

In Struts configuration file, WEB-INF/struts-config.xml of struts-mailreader WAR for example, JSP files are specified as forward destination or input page of ActionForm.

So, configure Struts to use Servlet mapped in WEB-INF/web.xml instead of JSP file.

Process in this tutorial

In this tutorial, creation of filters below is explained at first.

Next, creation of filters below is explained.

In these explanations, how to create HTML page from JSP is also explained.

Then, configuration of Servlet and Struts are explained.

To next section "Inset URI"