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Mixing with Servlet

About this tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to learn how to use PageMixer pre-defiened classes in Servlet environment.

You should see "Mixing with PageMixer" at first, if you have less knowledge about PageMixer.

Source and configuration files for tutorials are placed under "src/demo/servlet/src" and "src/demo/servlet/war" in distribution.

ATTENTION: Class diagrams and sample source codes shown in this tutorial give higer priority to simpleness of explanation than to exact sameness with distributed source.

I wish you do not confuse between one in this tutorial and another in distribution.

NOTE: This tutorial consists of large HTML pages, because it gives higer priority to information browsability in single page than to page compactness.

Which would you like large one, or not ?

Table of contents

Identify value for Servlet

identify with the Servlet environment specific key.

Overview of PageServlet

overview of using PageServlet.

Create 'ConsumerContext'

customize creating ConsumerContext as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.

Determine 'Locale'

customize determining Locale as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.

Determine page information

cutomize determining page information as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.

Get 'InputStream'

cutomize getting InputStream as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.

Create 'Producer'

customize creating Producer as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.

Forward control

customize control forwarding as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.

Create 'Filter's

customize creating Filter as one of PageServlet cusotmization points.


example of Servlet deployment.