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Comparison difference around "update page data" between JSP, XMLC and PageMixer is shown as below.
---- | JSP | PageMixer | XMLC |
page representation | class(compiled JSP) | object(sequence of "Token ") |
class(to create DOM tree) |
update of page data | Class re-load | Object re-read | Class re-load |
Auto update | yes | yes | yes(????) |
customizability of update | difficult | easy | difficult |
"Page representation" means what internal representation of HTML page is used.
In JSP, JSP files are compiled as derived class of Servlet by Servlet container. In XMLC, HTML pages are compiled as derived class of one which provides functions to create and operate DOM tree. In both JSP and XMLC, HTML/JSP file and generated class are corresponded one to one.
In PageMixer,
HTML pages are translated into sequence of objects,
which is called "Token
At this translation,
PageMixer framework generates "object" to
generate "Token
" sequence
corresponded to specified HTML page,
but does not generate "class" to do so.
"Update of page data" means how each frameworks update HTML page data dynamically if needed.
Described above, JSP and XMLC need class re-loading, because they represent HTML page as class internally.
In other hand, PageMixer also provides utilities to read/write "Token" sequence generator object, it needs only object re-read for update of page data. Of course, you can choose to re-parse updated HTML page.
"Auto update" means what mechanism to update HTML page data automaticaly is given in each frameworks.
In JSP, Auto-update mechanism is given by Servlet container. Ordinarily, page data is updated by container as soon as you modify JSP source(or some minutes after).
Once I heard that auto-update mechanism is provided in XMLC, but I do not confirm it yet.
In PageMixer framework, the mechanism to allow updating page data is provided since version 2.
PageMixer also provides simple, but may be enough, auto-update implementation based on examination modification time of source HTML page file.
"Customizability of update" means how easily HTML page data updating is customized in each frameworks.
In JSP and XMLC, class re-loading is needed to update HTML page data, and it is difficult to customize by user (some Servlet containers may provide configuration margin).
In PageMixer since version 2, you can customize not only the strategy to decide whether update or not, but also the way to read source HTML data in (e.g.: from file, JAR, WAR, RDBMS and so on).
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